今天心血來潮~抽空整理ㄌ幾張小女兒在 2006ㄉ浪漫 wedding照~夏威夷ㄉ[kuai]島(四大島之一日本年輕人嚮往婚禮&蜜月地點之一)
也搜尋出當年"榮任""丈母娘"時~被邀請上台 ㄉ"祝福賀詞"~~歲月悠悠倏忽五年...往事歷歷點滴難忘......
***(~大家也順便 "作伙" review一下"英文"吧!)
Good evening!
I'm the bride's mom.
Thank U all for coming tonight to share this wonderful occasion with us!
The 1st time I met XX[女婿] formally was when he and my daughter traveled to Taiwan last summer(2005)
My initial impression of him was that he was a very well_mannered, polite and genune person.
And he has remained that way till this day.
I'm so glad to welcome him into our family.
My daughter has always been a very independent girl,studied very hard, & always thinking her mother.
Since high school, she has taken care of herself and has always made her own decisions.....
~like will go to " Ivy league college"[長春藤聯盟大學]....the goal is MBA degree〔企管碩士〕......
We r so proud of her~she grauated from Columbia,&got 2 degrees of master.
Now, she worked very hard in a famous company in San francisco.
I beleve that when she said "YES!"
she knew that XX[女婿] was the right person she could spend the rest of her life with.
They both have the Chinese zodiac sigh (十二生肖) of the horse(屬馬)
~People born in the year of the horse tend to follow their hearts.And this has allowed them to find each other.
to XXX[女兒], XX[女婿]~~~May U live as long as U wish and love as long as U live.
love, mom (2006/7/10, 7PM)
地創造他自己 ,我希望~他永遠都能以自己ㄉ節奏和步調,去探索這ㄍ神奇世界,也創造他獨特ㄉ人生[ copy自"母與子"一書]
生活方式完全是american style~
與小女是高中同學~學測SAT英數均滿分~小女英滿分數學扣十分~這樣成績全美算很 "top"ㄉ啦!
只要聽到我有返回 L.A.時~~就常邀約去下午茶or聚餐~熱忱好客ㄉ歡迎新親戚
我知道他倆就喜歡_熱鬧廚房 ,溫馨圍爐ㄉ~中國味ㄦ~團圓味ㄦ~~~~