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篇名: 熊貓防毒PRO免費一年
作者: 小叮噹 日期: 2010.10.27  天氣:  心情:
(新增加网页保护)Malicious Web & URL Filtering. This feature blocks websites that push malware, exploits and drive-by downloads. It is available both in Free and in Pro Editions and is installed by the toolbar. Unlike similar solutions, this web filtering works at a low level so it works under all browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc. For those of you that didn’t install the toolbar but would like to install the Web & URL Filtering, you can download it from here and install it manually.

(Recycle Bin已和Quarantine整合 )Unified Recycle Bin and Quarantine. Previously the Recycle Bin handled suspicious detections and the Quarantine handled deleted malware detections. This has been unified into a new Recycle Bin for ease of management. This is included in both Free and Pro Editions.

(免费版程序现在已自动更新)Automatic and transparent upgrades to new product versions, previously only available in the Pro Edition, this is now available in the Free Edition as well. All users of Free Editions versions 1.1.0, 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 will automatically and transparently upgrade to the new 1.3. See notes below for the upgrade schedule.

(免费版已无广告)No more nagging advertising. After listening to many of you we have decided to turn off the nagging advertising popups prompting to upgrade to Pro Edition. If you want to support Panda Cloud Antivirus and wish to get the Pro Edition, you can do so from here, but we won’t bug you anymore from the popups.

Hot updating of behavioural blocking rules. In order to increase protection on the fly against new vulnerabilities and attacks and to fix false positives, hot updating of behavioural blocking rules allows faster response time in both the Free and Pro Editions.

(实时监控弹窗反应更快)Instant notifications of virus detections. Previously if Panda Cloud Antivirus encountered multiple viruses, it would delay its traybar notification and show them grouped. This behaviour has been changed so that the notifications are shown immediately.

Suspicious detection counter. Under the statistics window there’s some new counters for the different types of heuristics and behavioural detections.
New versioning format. Unified versioning format in GUI and other parts of the program.

Many bugfixes as reported by users in our support forum:
– Fixed issue with Windows 7 Start menu slow-down.
– Fixed Panda traybar icon disappearing.
– Fixed “you are not connected to the Internet” message when there is connection.
– Fixed issue when Free Edition users can activate behavioural analysis.
– Fixed slow-down and conflicts while playing Allods Online and AION.
– Fixed cloud-response time configuration which defaults to 30 seconds.
– Fixed constant accesses to the floppy disk drive.
– Fixed BSOD issue after install.
– Fixed bug while exporting an empty report to TXT/CSV.
– Fixed Conficker detection.
– Fixed BSOD while compressing malicious PDFs.
– Fixed translation errors.


CNET Pro license giveaway (免费1年 Panda Cloud AV Pro)
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