檔案狀態:    住戶編號:494525
 CaspAr 的日記本
誠徵!!! 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Crazy Carlos I
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: Surprising Fri.
作者: CaspAr 日期: 2005.08.28  天氣:  心情:

在美好的兩性關係中 最重要的一個條件是   雙方能天南地北   沒有特定目標的亂聊   在這種隨性的分享過程中   女人可以慢慢的擺脫掉職場上的霸氣....重拾職場上所缺漏的女性特質....."
.......Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus Book of Days - 365 Inspirations to Enrich Your RELATIONSHIPS

July 29th   Surprising Friday

週五   又數完了兩個禮拜的饅頭   高興與難過參半的一天   高興來自公司的驚喜    難過來自於Chan……..

Thank You, Hisashi…..

依照慣例   週五又是一個領薪水的日子   又是一個該好好犒賞自己的周五   一早進了公司   在櫃檯領取了上兩個禮拜來的薪水   走到自己的位置上   一如往常的先開了電腦   看了看自己的薪資條    不經意之下   似乎這張支票上所顯示的數字不是往常所熟悉的數目   稍微看了看明細   直覺的反應…… " Ming 今天加薪了!!"   索性的在抽屜裡拿出前兩個禮拜的薪水支票   好奇的想知道 到底公司加了Ming多少年薪   找出了那塵封已久的計算機    作了一些簡單的加減乘除    還不錯……… 調幅的比例比預期的還高    大概是Hisashi幫Ming爭取的吧………  中午很高興的跟Kiersten 說了這件事情…….

Ming: “Hey, I got my raise today…….”

Kiersten: “Oh~~ really??  Congratulations….. Did they give you a decent raise??”

Ming: “Maybe…I don’t know..  I wrote Chan, and he said I just break the WDG record in the past 6 years before he left……. He said no one got such a good raise after the first year before..“

Kiersten: “That could be if he said so….. Would you mind if I asking how much raise you got?? If you don’t wanna say that would be fine…..”

Ming: “Nope… I don’t mind….. It is about a little more than 4 grand…….Before tax of course……”

Kiersten: ”That’s a very good raise even better than I got…….You deserve it!!  My raise was around 3 grand….. “

Ming: “It is not that much after tax though…… It’s just 50 bucks per pay check……Ten beers or so things like that….”

Kiersten: “I know…… Screw the tax……. How much you made before?? If I can ask….”

Ming: “X2,500 before my raise……”

Kiersten: ”That’s what I make now…… Now, we get another reason to celebrate tonight, Ming…….”

What is a LUXURY CONDO….?

今天下午Lauren就要開始一連六天的假期   今天上午忙著跟Lauren處理檔案交接的事宜   Lauren 依舊是忙著那看起來沒像設計的設計   原本昨天Hisashi還建議Ming加班畫些草圖  好讓Lauren 今天有事情作   後來想想既然沒加班費   幹麻累得跟狗一樣阿???   好歹人家也是一位設計師   叫人家作Key-in 的工作    Ming還真是開不了口   就讓她去試試吧  順便秤秤自己有幾兩筋肉    人總是要有挫折才會有成長的空間的…..  Ming也是第一次作這種豪華集合住宅    到底是多豪華勒???  從Hisashi的口中得知   最貴的一戶(4000英尺平方)好像是要4百萬美金   最便宜的一戶(1500英尺平方)好像要1百25萬美金   光廁所都比Ming現在住的地方還大…….@@  竟然要一個亞洲來的窮小子設計這樣的豪宅……  說實在Ming壓根沒頭緒這些住宅會長成哪付德行???   索性花了一個早上 上上網   翻翻雜誌    了解一下什麼叫做.....

Koala Hug!!!

大概中午  Lauren 拿著圖來到Ming的座位旁邊…..

Lauren: “Ming, I am running out of time….. I have worked on this unit like 2 hours, but I just cant work it out….. Can you do me a favor and take a look at it???”

Ming: “Sure…. Lets see what can we do……”

花了約10分鐘    Ming拿著一支紅筆在Lauren的圖上   改阿改阿……  還依稀聞到那來自Lauren身上清晰的香水味……..  害得Ming心裡撲通撲通的跳著…….@@   好不能專心….  還好沒漏氣    平面圖是解出來了   至於豪不豪華 ???   當然是不豪華阿…… 有誰能第一次就做到完美???   人正是因為不完美而完美…….  改完圖後 Lauren 突然從Ming的身後抱了Ming一下   並在Ming臉頰上輕輕的啵了一下……[:))] 背膀上傳來一陣很特殊的感覺……軟軟的  大概是胸部吧[8-}]  很本能的Ming也伸出了右手   摟著那性感的腰間一下下……..

Lauren: “Thanks, Ming…  You are so good…….”

Ming: “Comon…Dont say that..... I am just doing my job……..”

現在是怎樣??   解一個平面圖可以抱一下嗎???? [:%%]   如果是的話   下次請事先告知   好讓Ming 可以調整一個最大接觸面積  像無尾熊抱著樹一樣的姿勢來迎接妳的熱情……..

不一會而 Lauren 再次的來到Ming的座位   Ming心裡想著..  又有問題啦??[8-}]   那Ming這次一定要好好學一下人見人愛的"無尾熊"………[8-}]

Lauren: “Ming, I am really running out of time….. I have to leave, but I haven’t finished yet…..”

Ming: “Alright!!  Just leave if you have to, I will take care of it……don’t worry…”

Lauren: “Ming, you are so good…….” <== 剛剛就是這句話後被抱的

Ming: “Enjoy your vocation though…. “

Lauren: “You too…….  Have a nice weekend and have fun with this project……”

哈哈  “無尾熊”要上場啦~~~ 心裡正這樣想著…….   哪知道 Lauren 說完後就這樣離開了……..@@    真是豈有此理   完全沒有章法可言   Ming這次可是準備著"無尾熊"在等妳ㄝ……[:|]  太不給面子了……@@

You are too SLOW

下班後便到了18th Street Lounge  很難得Happy Hour時第一個地方不是在Bravo…..  今天來了不少人  大家坐在沙發上聊著天  Chan 還是一就跟往常一樣……

Chan: “Ming, look at these 3 tall girls behind you….. They want you to say “HI”…..”

Ming: “Comon…. They are at least 6 feet tall……..much taller than I am…..”

Chan: ”So what…. You don’t like to lean on their chests???....”

Ming: “Yes, I do……..but it is not going to happen…..”

故意的將眼神刻意的避開Chan的眼神   若無其事的聽著同事們的對話   其實Ming還是不時的在注意那三位隻身前來身材高挑的女士   在一旁看著的Ming  發現有一位沒她們高的男士加入了她們的對話   Ming依舊在一邊偷偷的觀看著   前前後後不過一個小時不到   這四個人   三女 一男就這樣離開了酒吧   而那位男士還摟著其中一位女士的腰間   四個人就這樣九點多十點不到就離開了酒吧    好奇的Ming 對著Chan 擺出了一臉疑惑的表情…..

Ming: “Chan….. That 3 tall girls are leaving…..”

Chan: “I know…. I saw it …… You are too slow, if you have listened to me the first time I told you….  That guy could be you…..Now, the chance was gone….. Forgot it, move to the next one….I just don’t get it….. WHY YOU ALWAYS DON’T LISTEN TO ME…….WHY?!”

Ming: “I DO…..I do…..”

Chan: “No…..you didn’t……  Gesus… Ming, come with me….. we need to talk…..”


這下糟糕了  又不知道要上些啥麼課程了……@@  
就這樣跟著Chan 來到了樓梯間四處無人的一個角落  ………[:~]

Chan: “OK…… Just you and me now…. Whats wrong with you??? “

Ming: “I am fine…..nothing wrong with me…. What are you talking about?”

Chan: “No…. Something wrong with you…… What the fucking problem with you??  You are such a good guy down to earth….   Most of us think you are cool like shit…. You have the personality and you are a god damn nice guy if we can feel that all those women here they will feel the same way about you…..  How many times I saw you make girls laugh like shit…… I can feel that they really like you and they really enjoy the conversation with you….. But why you always give up at the last minute??  WHY??….. This is really pissed me off…What are you afraid of?? How many chances have opened the door for you and waiting for you to step in, but you just turned around and walked away …. WHY? WHY??  Sometimes I went home and punched the fucking wall in Kiersten’s apartment just because you shut the god damn door…… that’s really pissed me off….. If you don’t try to step in that door you will never find anyone you want…… Don’t tell me you cant speak English well….. FUCK THAT!!  Have I ever said “I don’t know what the hell you are saying? ”  Has Kiersten ever said ”She has no idea what the shit you are saying??” ……NO WE DIDN’T…  If we can understand you, 90% of the women here they will understand what you are saying??   There is NO language barrier ALRIGHT!!??  My mom speaks worse English than you do, and she likes Kiersten a lot even if they don’t talk a lot, BUT Kiersten can feel my mom loves her…… Women can sense that by their heart…. Sometimes you don’t have to say, but they can feel……  How many times Kiersten has the same feeling with me when we saw the expression of those girls while you are talking to them and we all think….. “This could be the one for Ming”   BUT WHY YOU ALWAYS GIVE UP?? WHY??!!  …….”

Ming: “…….. Maybe they just laugh because my weird accent or because my weird English…. Maybe they laugh not because what I said……but because I am freaky funny Asian guy to them…..Maybe…….”

Chan: “Stop that…!!  There is no MAYBE….!!  You have to believe yourself, Give yourself more confidence….. You are good enough…. Remember what I told you this morning??  YOU JUST BREAK THE WDG RECORD…… No one got a better raise than you after the first year in WDG…….. Trust me…. I had worked there for 6 years….. I know that…..  If they don’t think you are good enough they wont give you such a good raise……  I believe you have a good sense of design, and I believe you always have much confidence at work…… Use that confidence in LIFE…..Use that confident to talk to girls you like…….. It is the same thing……. BE CONFIDENT…..OK??....”

Ming: “How could that be the same??? Thats my job…… I am just doing my JOB…..”

Chan: ”Trust me…… it is the same…… All you have to do is keeping practicing….. Keep talking to those girls over and over again……  They will find you, they will find how good you are…… they will know how nice you are……. No one can use AUTO CAD well the first time, But you can use it well now....It is the same, no one knows how to talk to women how to date women if they dont try it out....Always have to Practice……”

Ming: “I just think things will NOT work out that way……. Who will like such a short Asian guy like me??...... “

啪…………….  好響的一聲……

Ming這一輩子第一次被父母親以外的人括耳光………   Ming 沉默了….   心理有點難過  Ming在DC 最好的朋友 Chan   今天賞了Ming一個又大又響的耳光…….  兩個人在樓梯間沉默了許久…….  Ming忍住了那眼珠裡的淚水   帶著泛紅的眼睛   走向了洗手間   丟了最後一句話給Chan    離開了樓梯間……..

Ming: “ No one can smack on my face like that…… NO ONE…… EVEN YOU!!  I am out of here…… I am going home……..”

BROTHERs from different MOTHERs

在洗手間整理了情緒   洗了把臉   回到了座位   跟同事朋友道了晚安……..  Ming背著背包   悄悄的一個人離開了酒吧……..  在出口附近遇到了那位括Ming耳光的Chan…..  真該死  酒吧在二樓……. 連個後門都沒有……..[:|]

Chan: “Where are you going???  We haven’t done yet……”

Ming: “BUT I AM DONE…… I am going home…..”

Chan那193公分高 115公斤的身軀   伸出了手掌   拉住了那163公分 54公斤的Ming   簡直是老牛拉車  拉也拉不動   甩也甩不開…….. 四目相望了一會而…

Ming: “I am tired…… I just wanna go home….. “

Chan: “Listen to me, I am really sorry smacking on you….. I apologize…..  I AM SORRY….Brother..  You know I am the only son in my family, and you know I do want to have a brother….  Unfortunately, I don’t have brothers …… Honestly, I treat you like my own brother because I see something in you which I had suffered 15 years ago when I was in high school…. I know it is painful, and I hope you don’t have to make the same mistake like I did 15 years ago…… I do want you to be happy here…. I do hope you can find a girl who will loves you to death….. I DO HOPE THAT…. Today, I realized I was wrong…. I was wrong forcing you to talk to those girls…… I WAS WRONG!!   I can work on your BRAIN, but I cant work on your HEART…. You have to work on your HEART by yourself….. Everything is in your HEART….. I will still give you my opinions about which girl you could hit on and which one you shouldn’t ….. I wont force you to talk them anymore…. You make the call by your own heart….. Alright?? …. Are we cool now?? Give me a hug, if we are cool....Please dont say you are short ever again.... You are a BIG man in my mind......not everyone can find a job in this country....not everyone has the ball to saty in a place have no friends from the same culture....not everyone Asians have the ball to hang out with a bunch of Americans.....not everyone has the ball talk to girls like you did.......You are my BIG man, You are not SHORT....“

這時那龐大的身軀將Ming抱在懷裡…… Chan 輕輕的在Ming的耳邊說著…..

Chan: “I do love you like my own brother…… We are brothers from different mothers……Remember that “WE ARE BROTHERS FROM DIFFERENT MOTHERS….”  Comon……Buy you a Drink, Just you and me….. And I will drive you home later….. Lets have some fun tomorrow……”Crazy Carlos’s” Bachelor Party…… We will meet up 8:30 at “Sign of the Whale”…… the Irish Bar next to Camelot……”

就這樣Ming又回到了朋友聚集的那個角落   坐在了Kiersten的旁邊    雙眼無神地靜靜的坐在沙發上    K發現Ming又回來了   看了看Ming無神的表情 以及那泛紅的雙眼…..

Chan: “Hey….Eric….. I will take Ming with me tomorrow…..”

Eric: “Ok! Sure…… Ming is always welcome……”

Kiersten: “Ming~~~ I thought you left already….. “

Ming: “I was going home…….But SOMEONE doesn’t allow me to……..”

Kiersten: “Chan?? What happened to your eyes…??  Did he give you a hard time??   Let me know…… I will kick his ass……”

Ming: “Nope… no… he didn’t… I am just ……TIRED…….”




沒有搭Chan的便車回家   沒有坐地鐵   沒有叫小黃  ……..  Ming一個人獨自走路回家…..在那深夜的DC裡    Ming一路沿著16街……. 一路上坡的走著   沒多想什麼   就一路靜靜的走著…… 一個人獨自靜靜的走了一個小時……..  在那寂靜的深夜裡   在那個離家7000英里的深夜裡……… 




瀏覽次數:1010    人氣指數:38870    累積鼓勵:1893
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
誠徵!!! 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Crazy Carlos I