檔案狀態:    住戶編號:494525
 CaspAr 的日記本
Rafting-PA #IV 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Expired
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: My Pay Check
作者: CaspAr 日期: 2005.08.15  天氣:  心情:

"Love is an ideal thing, marriage is a real thing; a confusion of the real with the ideal never goes unpunished. "

July 18th   
No Review, No Raise….

期待的禮拜一終於來臨了……  Ming今天很高興的背著背包上班去  一點也沒有昨晚深夜才回到家的疲憊……..

My Pay Check!!

今天很開心的去上班   一點都沒有所謂的憂鬱星期一   因為今天Ming要領薪水  由於上週五請假沒進公司   所以呢 支票只能等到今天再領嚕……  爲啥 Ming今天會這麼期待看到這張支票呢??  因為Ming進這間公司  早在七月初時已經整整一年了   而依照公司的規定  員工每年都會因年度的表現而給予調薪   Ming今天便是滿心期待的想知道公司到底給Ming調高了多少薪水……


Ming:” Good Morning, Arling….. Do you still have my pay check here…. I took a sick day off last Friday…..”

Arling:” Sure, wait a second….. let me find it for you……. Here you go!!”

Ming:” Thank you so much….”

滿心期待的拿著支票信封  高高興興的走到自己的位置上   再也等不及的想知道公司到底給Ming加多少薪水了…..  深呼吸了一口氣  很興奮的打開了信封   看了看支票上扣稅後的淨所得…….. 久久不能言語….. 

"FUCK!!  What the hell did I do wrong??? NOT A SINGLE DOLLAR..??  SHIT!!….. It might be the time to go….. FUCK! FUCK!! FUCK!!!  You these god damn Americans are all piece of shit, Damn it!!!  I will kill you all someday… "

That’s  the WDG rule…..

現在是種族歧視還是怎樣???  Ming這麼認真的工作  一年了   整整她媽的一年了  Ming自己一個人幫你們把一個沒人要做案子   一個人從一張白紙作到現在  已經進到畫施工圖的階段了   從頭到尾幾乎都是Ming自己一個人  Ming有時累得跟狗一樣   現在竟然連薪水加個一塊錢都沒有[X(] 
God damn you these motherfuckers……!! 

在沮喪的心情之下  Ming寫了一封信給了Chan  簡單的跟Chan詢問了意見   並且跟Chan說了  今天的薪水支票依舊是一如往常   連一毛錢都沒加…….@@ 

Chan 也回了信給Ming……
"1st of all, No Review NO RAISE….!!  That’s the WDG Rule… Don’t ask anyone before knowing what is going on….. Someone might pissed off if you ask the wrong person….   Write someone who you can trust, and tell them you want your review, ask them when your review could be….. I would suggest you write Durwood or George… as I know they are good guys who you can trust and they are all Principals…"

心理想著  Someone I can trust?!    Ming 跟Durwood又不熟  也沒講過幾次話     倒是常常跟著George做事   於是 Ming一早便發了兩封E-mail...

一封發給了Hisashi  一封發給了George…… 

This is not Fair

大約中午   Hisashi  跟  George 都回了信….. 

George: “ I will check it out for you……don’t worry…”

Hisashi: ” I am sorry, I don’t know when your review gonna be…. But, I do know Eric will be one of the Principals who will give you the review….. I am pretty sure Eric doesn’t have anytime this week, because he is really busy before Friday ….. Another thing is that Eric is going to take a 2-week vocation which is starting from this weekend…… So, I think your review could be someday during the end of August……”

哈 還真是幸運  老闆要休假關Ming屁事阿???[X(]

Stupid RULE:
No Review, NO RAISE… <== Fucking Bull SHIT!!

Eric休假兩個禮拜後  剛好又要領薪水……..@@ 根據這各公司蠢到不行的加薪制度    那Ming不是硬生生的 被坑了兩張支票  豈有此理  氣死人

真是一群作事超沒效率的美國混蛋…..<<== Not all of them, but MOST of THEM (Ming’s personal opinion only)

Pic: Chan's Birthday, Spring, 2005
瀏覽次數:236    人氣指數:10596    累積鼓勵:518
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
Rafting-PA #IV 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Expired