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 CaspAr 的日記本
AreYouKiddingMe 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 Rafting-PA #I
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: You Fucked up
作者: CaspAr 日期: 2005.08.07  天氣:  心情:

"If you would be loved, love and be lovable"                     
                                       …Benjamin Franklin

July 14th  You Fucked up

今天喝得很醉  喝了很多很多.....
9罐 海尼根  4 杯Sake-bomb    Ming 完全忘記今夜後半段的事  只知道隔天一大早Chan 對 Kiersten 說了這麼一句話…..

"Gesus fuck……My head is killing me…….I wanna fucking kill that little Ming"

You Fucked Up

週四 依照往常是幾朋友聚在Bravo慶祝即將到來的週末  當然Ming 也算是基本成員之一   但是今天對Ming而言卻是不怎麼好過的一天  Ming今天被Chan訓了好長一段話.....  大概是在責怪Ming上週六深夜不應該獨自前來瘋狂的Bravo…..是Ming自己把事情搞雜了……

Ming: “Hey, Chan……I didn’t go out with Sandra this Tuesday…..”

Chan: “Yup….I know…. You fucked up everything….Everything you did before was nothing now…. You really pissed me off, why you came down to Bravo on Saturday night??? Don’t you know here are all Latino gangs on Saturday……”

Ming: ”I know it now….”

Chan: “What will she think about you….. When you were the only Asian here last Saturday. You just let her know you really want her so much….”

Ming: “What’s  wrong with that?”

Chan: ”You shut up and listen…. You showed her too much passion, and you were not supposed to do so before the first date…. When you came down on Saturday, you scared her away…..you showed too much eager…..and that made her feel that you are like a Dog….You don’t want her to think that way …right??....”

Ming: “But, You said I can call her or text her anytime I want….I thought it is straighter to come to see her……”

Chan: ”Ming, shut up…there is no BUT.....Yes, I said that, but did I say you can come to see her....NO!! that’s a big difference between calling her and coming to see her…….You don’t have to think…..When things come to women, I will do the thinking for you….. Now, listen, I don’t fucking care how you date girls back in Taiwan, but this is god damn America this is not Taiwan…..all you have to do is listen to me and do what I say…..then, you will get one you want …..I promise you….Alright??  You have to trust me…American girls always love a cute boy with his own accent, and you will be the one…..you will find one who will love you to death, my boy…….JUST DO WHAT I TOLD YOU TO…..OK??”

Ming: "What can i do, if i still want her..??"

Chan: "No!! there is nothing you can do.....it is a done deal already.....If she calls you, we can keep the story going. If she doesnt call you....just forget about it....move to the next one..... If you really want her ....pray, then..."

I wanna get Drunk today

被放鴿子已經心情夠糟了  又被Chan 噱了一頓…….@@ 心情只有更糟……偷偷的把頭轉到K旁邊…….
小聲的說……”I wanna get drunk tonight….”

好死不死的 K 竟然大聲的說…..
”Hey, Guys…….Ming wants to get drunk tonight…..”

這時大家大眼鄧小眼的看著Ming  一時之間Ming不知道怎麼反應…….隨口說了一句語帶挑釁的話……

”What?!! God damn it!! Whatever, I don’t care… I will be officially sick tomorrow……Bring it on …”  



當天的Joseph 醉得比Ming還厲害  在吧台睡著了  聽說還在人家酒吧的廁所吐了……Josephe更是問Chan 一個令人哭笑不得問題…….

”Chan, can you teach me how to talk to girls like Ming does…”

該說啥勒?? 老兄阿老兄你待美國7年了  應該比Ming還清楚吧???


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