檔案狀態:    住戶編號:494525
 CaspAr 的日記本
Saturday Bravo 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 You Fucked up
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: AreYouKiddingMe
作者: CaspAr 日期: 2005.08.07  天氣:  心情:


“未來, 女強人越多, 優勢男人(高學歷男子)外遇的機會就越多, 劣勢男人(低學歷男子)機會越少, 女男愈平等, 女人經濟能力愈強, 愈能獨立追求與能力強的男人進行”不倫”之戀, 追求快樂與”個人自由”並存, 最後被淘汰的男人, 也被迫選擇單身以維持”自由”及生活水準”                     
                                       …..The Strategy of Love

July 12th  Fucking Kidding Me?!

終於週二了  那個令人屏息期待的週二   那個Ming期待已經的週二  終於在今天要登場了  不知不覺得緊張了起來……. 似乎是昨晚湧上心頭的那股不詳預感…….@@

I Will Call you back

記得Chan 說過 ....

"Now, you can call or text her anytime you want…..dont be afraid…"

既然Chan說OK  那大概就是OK吧   於是週末期間Ming 傳了幾次簡訊給Sandra  並不見得每次都有回覆Ming的簡訊   但是至少Sandra跟Ming說了她週日要南下到Virginia的海邊玩……  週一晚上  Ming 再次的傳了簡訊給了Sandra …..

”Hey!! How was your weekend at the beach? Did you have fun down there??”

不一會時間  Sandra 回覆了簡訊….

“It was good….Did you hang out and have fun with your friends??”

就在Sandra回覆簡訊之後  Ming 思考了兩分鐘   拿起了手機  撥打的Sandra的號碼……Sandra 接了電話….

Ming: “Hello~~~ what are you doing now??”

Sandra: “Hey~~ Ming, I am on the phone with my mom…can I call you back like in an half hour??”

Ming: “ok!! Take your time….i will be waiting….”

Sandra: “Will you sleep by then??”

Ming: “Nope….. Don’t worry about it…. I usually go to bed late…..Just take your time…I will talk to you later…”

半小時  好吧 那就讓Ming想想等一下除了跟Sandra確定明天的時間後還能聊些啥吧…. 凡事總是該做點功課的   沒所謂天上掉下禮物來這種事  …..  想著想著  等著等著….. 半小時過了  一小時過了  兩小時過了……@@  看了看時間  凌晨兩點……  算了 或許是Sandra又臨時有事情  又或許是她太累忘了  又或許是…….. 

Ming, 去睡吧  明天還要上班呢 

oh~~ mighty GOD …

又是一個不安一天的開始  Ming 的直覺總是…..好的不靈 壞的靈  今天問了K的意見 

K :”Text her first…..lets see what she will say… If she doesn’t reply or call you back …. You call her this late afternoon around 4 before she leaves work……”

Ming: “Is that the only thing I can do…..Keep Waiting??...”

K :”Yes, Ming……”

就這樣又過了一個早上  中午傳了簡訊給Sandra….. 一直到下午K所謂的關鍵四點鐘之前  一直都沒有任何音訊  ……@@  四點過後 Ming拿著手機  一個人到了公司樓下  站在人行道的樹蔭下   點起了一根煙平復了一下心情   打了電話給Sandra  果然Ming壞的直覺還真靈…….沒人接聽轉進了語音信箱….. Ming 留了言   獨自一個人在樹蔭下抽完了這跟煙    踏著沉重的腳步回到公司   繼續盯著電腦亂畫圖…… 
大約半個小時  Ming的手機收到了一個簡訊….. Ming看了看訊息…..

”I got your message…..I wont be able to go to Café Asia….Sorry….”

看完訊息後  Ming撥了公司電話的內線給Kiersten

Ming: “Hey~~ I need a cigarette….Do you want one…?”

K: “Ok…..lets go….”

Ming到了K的位置上找K   兩個人下了樓  站在人行道上吞雲吐霧….. K似乎感受到Ming沉重的心情……

K: ”Whats up, Ming?? Why you look so serious???”

Ming: “She replied…..”

K: “oh~~ that’s good….What did she say? Will she come out with you this evening??”

Ming 一句話都沒說  拿起手機  打開了剛剛那封簡訊給K看  兩個人彼此沉默了一下…..

K: “Did you call her back to ask her why???”

Ming: “Nope……Why should I?? This is the second time she called off at the last minute…… Apparently, I am not attractive to her; I am nothing to her….. She treats me like shit… She makes me feel like a stupid asshole…..”

K: ”Ming, calm down….Call her and ask her what is going on…. First of all, you shouldn’t expect so much about this….this is a game….a stupid game, you have to go through it…..But you haven’t started yet…..Second of all, no one can hit the right girl at the first time, you have to keep trying not just play a game at one time, go find other girls and play different games in a time….that will help you realize which girl is the one you want…”

Ming: “I am a stupid sucker….maybe things never gonna work out that way…”

K: “Stop that…..I am a white and Chan is a Korean…..so what?? We love each other…. I know you can do it….You definitely can….”

Ming: “I hope so……Kinda tired of this stupid shit, this stupid game…”

哈哈……..乾笑兩聲    該說啥   第一次被放鴿子或許是巧合   第二次再被同一個人在放鴿子……說實在的該算巧合嗎???  第二次的痛永遠比第一次來的痛   第一次被耍算是正常吧……反正Ming習慣在美國當白痴了  也不在乎再被多當一次白痴   第二次被耍能說啥  乾笑兩聲 ……哈哈  






Ming 真是笨蛋  竟然忘了出國前老師送Ming的唯一一句話…..

“No matter what situation it is, Never try twice….NEVER!! ”[X(]

PIC: Hollywood, California, Winter,2003
瀏覽次數:280    人氣指數:12020    累積鼓勵:587
 切換閱讀模式 給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
Saturday Bravo 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 You Fucked up