今天 在僑光技術學院 舉辦了一場中部高中職的演講比賽
總共有90個人 分成兩組比賽 在從中選出12個人舉行決賽
但是我覺得還能更好.... ㄏㄏ~
以後我想也沒機會了吧 因為那一年舉辦一次
不過還有其他的機會 再接再厲吧~
The art of negotiation
Think about it! What do you do when you are a day late on your mortgage payment or rent? What do you do when you want a raise but haven't taken on many extra resbonsibilities? Whether you have shared the same the situation or not, you already have a head start because negotiation is a regular and significan part of your life. Now, our real world is a giant negotiation table and whether you like it or not, you are a participant. No matter what comes towards your life, it always needs to be negotiated. In fact, negotiation is a delicate process that requires skills, tactics, methods, and strategies in order to communicate with different individuals rationlly. From presidant to a housewife, despite the level of the argument, we are all suppose to learn not only to create a friendly interaction but to give both parties a better alternative in order to develop trust and relationships with one another. However, many people seem to interpret negotiation as being the skills of threntening others to submit to our point of view and tend to place more thoughts on the way to advance their own interest, and merely lead the situation into a win/lose even. Moreover, different strategies bring out the best and the worst in people. For example, my family is discussing what to eat for dinner. I want a hamburger, my dad wants Chinese dishes while my mom wants Japanese ones. What will happened if we don't negotiate well? Can't we just come to an agreement with a win/win situation? The causes might crack the relationships or could be worse along with the importance of the issue. Well, however, we settle for Maxican in the end. Briefly speaking, the main purpose of the art of negotiation is to balance every individual interest and come to an agreement with satisfaction for all parties involed. So, sometimes you have to stick to your own opinion while other times you need to listen patiently. After all, a win/win negotiation is based on your own wisdom and tactful abilities. There are two sides to every question and keeping the importance of the art of negotiation in mind leads you to much better life. If you're not sure whether you can handle the situation, just remember "To handle yourself, use your head; to handle the others, use your heart."
那邊真的全部都是帥哥...我雖然穿著制服 但是他們的服務都還很好哦!