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 Dr.Ray(雲端工作者 的日記本
♥《亞歷山大大帝的三個遺願》♥ 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 ♥《我需要休長假》♥
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篇名: ♥如果我再是一位大一新生♥ (尚未分類)
作者: Dr.Ray(雲端工作者 日期: 2011.01.21  天氣:  心情:
♥ 如果我再是一位大學一年級新生(If I Were a Freshman Again) ♥



If I Were a Freshman Again (Thomas Arkle Clark)

It is the habit of age to give sage advice to youth. One of the pastimes in which everyone periodically indulges is the pleasant hallucination that if he were given the opportunity to live his youth over again he would do it differently and more successfully. We are all of us, even though we have no more than reached middle age, given to regretting our neglected opportunities and our lost youth. It gives one a virtuous feeling in imagination to dodge all error but it is extremely doubtful if many of us, even if we had a second chance, would avoid many of the pitfalls into which we stumbled, or follow a straighter path than that by which we have so far come. If it is merely pleasant for us to conjecture what we should do if we had a second try at it, it may be profitable for those who are younger to listen. If only foresight could be as accurate as the backward view!

給年輕人一些「金玉良言」的勸告,是成年人或是上了年紀的老人們的習慣。大家偶爾喜歡的一種娛樂就是美妙地幻想如果有機會再年輕一次,他會少走彎路(冤枉路)、更加成功。儘管人還未到中年,我們都習慣於後悔曾經坐失良機、虛度浪擲青春,這讓我們在想像中有一種善良高尚的感覺 ── 避免所有的錯誤。而特別值得懷疑的是,即使有第二次機會,我們當中的許多人真的就能避免我們犯過的錯誤,或者少走一些我們走過的彎路。如果說再有一次機會我們會怎麼做,對於我們只是自我安慰,而對於那些聽我們講故事的年輕人可能就會獲益匪淺。先見(事前諸葛亮)要是與後見(事後孔明)一樣準確無誤該多好!

Learn to Work with People about Me 鬧中取靜

I should learn to work with people about me. As it was I lived a somewhat isolated life. I did my reading and my studying alone, and though there were some advantages in this method, there were serious objections. Now I must often work under different conditions than those by which I was surrounded in college; there is work to be done where there is no quiet, and I do it with difficulty. As I tried on a crowded ocean steamer to put these wandering thoughts on paper I was constantly annoyed by the confusion about me and by the spasmodic attempts at conversation made by a well-intentioned but misguided young man at my side. If I had learned to work under different conversations I might have turned the conversation aside as a steep roof sheds the rain. I believe it is a great advantage for a young man to do his work himself, but he should not subject himself to the slavery of doing it alone.


Take More Difficult Work 知難而進

I should take as a freshman, if I had my work to do over again, more work that I have no especial fondness for or that I find difficult. I like an easy time as well as any one, and I do not wish to give the impression that I think it an error for a student to follow the profession he enjoys or to do the work he likes. In point of fact I believe that a student should choose those lines of work along which his tastes lead him. I think it very likely that those things we do most easily we shall do best; but I have found that training comes through struggle, and that those people are developed most who resist most, or who struggle against difficulty and opposition and overcome. I had known a good many geniuses, but they generally had the most commonplace careers because they never learned to do difficult or disagreeable things.


Students come into my office every day who want to get out of work or to drop a subject, or to cut a class exercise for no better reason than that they find the duty difficult or the instructor or the subject dull. Much of the work of life is not pleasant. Half the things I am forced to do during the busy days of the college year are unpleasant things and things I dislike doing. I have been forced to learn to give these things my best attention whether I like them or not. I wish I had learned in my freshman year to do more such things.


Just yesterday as I was sitting at the breakfast table talking to a young freshman, in whom I have a rather vital interest, as to next year s course, I suggested a subject which I thought good for him to take. "Is it easy?" was his first question, and when I answered in the negative his interest waned. In the world in which we must in time work there are few easy roads, few snap courses. We shall be forced to do a great many hard things. If I were a freshman I should learn to do such things early.


Become A Ready Speaker 能言善道

Like a great many people, I suppose I am not now doing the work that as a college student I planned to do. I am in no sense a fatalist, but I am convinced that men have their work chosen for them quite as often as they themselves choose it. If I had supposed that I should be called upon to speak on the most unforeseen occasions and upon the most unfamiliar topics, I should have given myself while in college the practice which I believe is the method everyone must employ if he is to become a ready speaker. I have learned that, sooner or later, every intelligent man is called upon publicly to express his ideas, and no matter how abundant these thoughts may be, he will suffer much pain and have little success unless he has had pretty regular and persistent practice.


I ran across an old classmate last spring, an engineer of no little repute, whom I had not met since the day of our graduation. "How would you change your course," I said to him, expecting that he would long for more mathematics, "if you had it all to do over again?"


"I should learn to write and I should learn to speak," he answered, "and I should begin as a freshman. As it was I avoided every opportunity to do either, with the idea that only ministers and lawyers have need of such practice, and I suffer for it every day. My boy is to be an engineer, but I am going to see that he does not make the mistake that I made. "


When I am called upon unexpectedly to speak, and my knees shake, and my voice falters, and the word that I long for comes with difficulty, or fails to come at all, I agree with my classmate, and I feel sure that if I were a freshman again I should learn to speak correctly and without notes.



這篇好文章是一位美國已故的教育家叫Thomas Arkle Clark (1862-1932)的大作,如果你能對任何將來想從事的工作計畫,事前先做好準備、或是至少先想過,那麼犯錯的機會就會大大的減少。也比較不會到頭來才發生『老大徒傷悲』的遺憾,你說是嗎?


你可以千方百計,運用各種方法或輔助教具來達成學習者(學生)完成最佳、最有效能的學習成果。我正在著手寫一本「假如教室像電影院一樣」的書,我已經寫下好幾萬字,我預期將來出版時必定造成轟動!因為沒有人寫過這樣的書籍,這將是第一本、目前唯一的一本書,除了我非常認真寫作之外,那是我畢生的精華著作之一,因為太多的學生不喜歡上課、或者上課時做別的事情甚至於跟周公打交道神遊去了。每當學生上過我的課之後,告訴我:那些沒來的都錯過大好機會、許多學生甚至對我說,他們上我的課時會很認真地集中精神、深怕遺漏任何部分,一點睡意都沒有,太棒了!而且他們還全體起立鼓掌真讓我感動,也給了我相當大的鼓舞。(哈哈 他們大概想終於下課可以去吃中飯了!)


♥ 《西風的話》 ♥

西風的話 (原版歌詞)
作詞:廖叔輔 作曲:黃自
去年我回去 你們剛穿新綿袍
今年我來看你們 你們變胖又變高
你們可曾記得 池裡荷花變蓮蓬
花少不愁沒顏色 我把樹葉都染紅



明義國小 七十週年校慶音樂會之05:西風的話


さくら / 森山直太朗+合唱

さくら(独唱) 森山直太朗

神風特別攻撃隊 さくら(独唱)

日本歌神 槙原敬之-君の名前を呼んだ後に(中文字幕)
這部MV有菜菜子(最近將上演 亞洲版新Ghost)的跨刀


如同其歌 如同其人
平凡樸實 認真工作 跟朋友談天說笑
我想 很多人看到都會感同身受吧:)

瀏覽次數:314    人氣指數:1534    累積鼓勵:61
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♥《亞歷山大大帝的三個遺願》♥ 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 ♥《我需要休長假》♥
時間:2011-01-26 17:41
他, 33歲,新北市,其他
